Access 19,000+ stocks across core and emerging markets on 40+ exchanges worldwide.
Access 1,200+ listed options across equities, indices, interest rates, energy, metals and more.
Access 300+ futures covering equity indices, energy, metals, agriculture, rates and more.
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Trade 40+ major, minor, and exotic currency pairs
Trade 15 of the most famous global indices as CFDs
Trade the most covered & highest-profile asset classes
Trade metals including Gold and Silver
Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and others.
Trade Brent Crude Oil, WTI, Natural Gas and Coal
AssetsTrading seeks the long-term growth and preservation of capital. We pursue a value-oriented investment approach to identify undervalued or misunderstood investment situations, preferably in high-quality businesses, on a global basis.
Primary attention is given to finding individual markets that offer significant upside potential and a margin of safety at the time of purchase.
We seeks the long-term growth and preservation of capital. We pursue a value-oriented investment approach to identify undervalued or misunderstood investment situations, preferably in high-quality businesses, on a global basis.